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Politics via Twitter? Trump makes it possible. But what exactly is he tweeting all day? In trumpordump, you decide which tweet is genuine and which is not. You think that's easy? Well, then look at what dump the jerk posts

The site and its contents are for entertainment purposes only and may not reflect the truth. However, individual tweets based on real statements may have been alienated on a case by case basis and therefore no longer match with the original. Time, date and other metadata about the displayed tweet are fictitious.

trumpordump is a non-commercial website which is created by Kai Brune.
Icons are from Flaticon and all tweet-related graphics are owned by Twitter.

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gotcha, this tweet was dump.
haaa you're right this was fake news.
no joke this tweet was real. absolut looser.

Donald J. Trump


12:28 - 28 Aug. 2018
53,8K people are talking about this
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